*/Kelly Lee's Diary

I DUN CARE WHT U SAY BOUT ME COZ I'M STILL D SAME.. CRAZY,GEDIK N GGEH CMUA AQ.. KAO ADEW KEW?? i love to have many friend n hate to have enemy.. thank you !

MyBff and MyEditor

Farah Afiqah Sanusi my EDITOR and also my BESTFRIENDFOREVR =)

My Adek

Mohamad Mas Asfar a.k.a Monshi MeoWw .. adek kesayangan akuw =) .. sngt kuat merajok .. and dia husband kpd editor blog nieh "Fafa"


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NeW cHaPtEr In Me
Friday 27 April 2012 @ 06:55
hye uols...
nk ngaku yg nie my NEW BLOG!!
yg lme lpe password so dgn bgosnye aq pksa my BFF wt yg bwu kt aq..
hope kowg ckew lew coz aq pown cngt-2 ckew glew...
FAFA MAYSUN tenkiu 4 ths.. :3
aq dh mle idop bwu sbgai bkas pljr skool mngh...
ckrg nie dok 2nggu nk mcok ACMS...
alhamdulilah hrp-2 cmua brjln dgn lncr...
but all i wish tht i will still epy wth my life n my love...